When Daniel, our eldest, chose to arrive 6 weeks early, I was rushed to hospital in the middle of the night. John was on nights, and I had to ring my mum to ask her to contact him. He rushed straight to the hospital and stayed with me all night and the next day. He was the first one to see Daniel as he was taken straight to the Special Care unit and John went with him. He came back to tell me all about him, and actually cried when he told me that Daniel had held his hand when he had put his into the incubator.
He was with me for Rachael’s birth, and he drove the midwife mad as he kept saying to her ‘Is this going to take long’ !!!! He was worried because my mum was looking after Daniel, but he had to go to work that evening and needed to save his time off to take over from my mum and also make sure he was off work when we came home. He again cried when Rach was born and he held her for the first time. Anyone that knew John, might find that hard to believe !!!!!
He adored his children, and enjoyed any spare time he had playing with them or taking them on little outings. He was also with me for Claire’s birth. We had the same Midwife and she begged me to have my Mum there instead of John! She said she could not put up with his nagging! It was all in good fun. And for the third time, yes he cried again when he held his little daughter.
Dad, Dan & Rach in our back garden
John and the kids on holiday (1981)
Mum, Dan & Rach (1976)
Dad and kids not long after Claire was born (1978). I remember that John dressed Rach this day?!?!!